Club Programme 2024-25

Sept 1st to 30th - Photo Challenge : Black & White  

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 3 images per person

Sept 24th - Welcome to UCC

Outline of programme, showing Facebook and Website. Short intro from all members. Image bistro/critique of summer photo challenges. Collect your exhibition images.

October 1st to 30th - Photo Challenge : Arches

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 3 images per person

8th Oct - The Art of Wildlife Photography - Danny Green

Local wildlife photographer, Danny Green (our President) gives an inspirational talk/presentation

22nd Oct - Practical: Abstract images

Come along and experiment with taking abstract images. Information will be available before the evening, regarding what an abstract can be.

November 1st to 30th - Photo Challenge : Abstract

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 3 images per person

5th Nov - Sports Photography -Ady Kerry

Local Photographer Ady Kerry makes a return visit with a presentation on Sports Photography

19th Nov - Practical: Introduction to Editing

Bring along a couple of images (perhaps from your exhibition selection) and experiment with different techniques to improve/change your original images. Your chance to ask questions and see how a few simple techniques can alter the look of an images. Plenty of advice and guidance available from more experienced members.

December 1st to 31st - Photo Challenge : Editing: Before and After images

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 2 images per person so 4 photos in total

3rd Dec - Live Music Photography - Mike Hazeldine

The talk will cover both the technical aspects of shooting in a live gig environment, along with tips to help out anyone who is interested in getting involved with this area of photography … followed by food/drink/social time.

January 1st to 31st Photo Challenge : Music/Performing

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 3 images per person

14th Jan - Wildlife Photography - Marc Humphrey

An evening with professional wildlife photographer Marc Humphrey talking about his obsession for wildlife photography

28th Jan - Practical: Viking Invasion

Leicester Viking re-enactment group are visiting us, so be prepared for some interesting, fun photography!

February 1st to 28th Photo Challenge : Portrait

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 3 images per person

11th Feb - Practical : Food Photography

Learn how to take appetising food photos.. Please bring food items (some supplied by club).

25th Feb - Artificial Intelligence - Malcolm Heaven/Donald Johnson

A talk/presentation/discussion about how AI is impacting on photography and implications for club photographers. If time available, an image bistro on one of the previous monthly challenges

March 1st to 31st Photo Challenge : Food Photography

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 3 images per person

11th Mar - India - Mark Radford

A talk/presentation by UCC member Mark Radford on the photographic challenges and experiences encountered on his trip to India. … Followed by image Bistro of previous Facebook Challenge images

25th Mar - Practical: Flower Photography

Try your hand at flower photography using our lighting equipment and backdrops. Flowers will be provided, but feel free to bring your own resources.

April 1st - 30th Photo Challenge : Edited Image - Flowers

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 3 images per person,

8th Apr - Exhibition Workshop

What you need to know; how to submit your images and resizing. Using different software to prepare your images. Question and Answer session

22nd Apr -Practical: Observation Challenge - What are your observation skills like?

This evening, we will all go out into the Village for 20 minutes WITHOUT your camera, observing 4 potential images of what you COULD take. Then back to the hall and grab your camera and go out and TAKE those images within 20 mins.. Then we’ll use the club laptop to look through a few of your images on the large screen to see the variety of images found. …. An album will be set up on Facebook for you to upload those images that we don’t have time to view on the night.

May 1st to 31st Photo Challenge : Transport

Facebook Monthly challenge, up to 3 images per person

6th May - Photowalk TBC

20th May - Annual General Meeting

Have your say on what you want from the club. Meet Suggestions for topics of future club meetings

June 1st to 30th Photo Challenge : Something Different … My Point of View!

Take 4 images within a 2 mile radius of your home/workplace, based on these 5 words: YELLOW; INSIDE; LINES; ANIMAL

Upload to the Facebook album, stating whereabouts they were taken (within a 2 mile radius). … An evening of friendly critique/discussion will then take place on the 17th June

3rd Jun - Photowalk TBC

17th Jun - Exhibition Awards – Presentations …. Followed by an image bistro on My Point of View! challenge

21st -22nd Jun - ANNUAL EXHIBITION at Woodhouse Village Hall (Annexe) TBC


Photo Summer Challenge for July-August : 5 subjects TBC

1 image of each word: 5 images per person, posted in Facebook

Please note: Programme subject to change, so please check with a Committee member, Facebook, or UCC website before travelling, if unsure.