

’AGM’ means the Annual General Meeting of the Club

‘Committee’ means the Committee of the Club referred to in clause 4 below

‘Committee Member’ is any person who is appointed to and forms one of the Committee

‘Club’ means the ULVERSCROFT CAMERA CLUB Leicestershire UK

‘EGM’ means an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club

‘Member’ and ‘Members’ means a Member or Members (as the case may be) of the Club who satisfies the criteria set out in clause 3 below and had come to and remains in the Club

‘Objectives’ means the Objectives set out in clause 2 below ‘Rules’ means rules of the Club and set out in the Appendix


(A) To provide, discuss, help, show or otherwise assist its Members in developing skills and knowledge in all forms of photography, photographic aims including the use of software processing

(B) To hold fortnightly meetings between September and the following June each year on evenings agreed by the Committee. In addition during the months of June, July and August each year the Club will promote outdoor meetings agreed by the Committee

(C) To arrange for any Member (with the prior approval of a Committee Member) to organise and conduct events for Members’ participation in the further pursuit of the Objectives


(A) The Club shall be open to all persons interested in photography aged 18 years and above. The Club will do its best to include vulnerable adults and those with disabilities where appropriate support, acceptable to the Committee, is available

(B) The membership year shall run on and from the day of the first meeting of each season to the day before the next following season commences. Each Member will complete a Membership Application Form (preferably in electronic format) and send the same to the Secretary at or prior to the first meeting of each new season the Member attends. The Secretary shall maintain a Members Register.

(C) Membership is conditional upon each Member accepting the Rules and decisions of the Committee including those applicable to the meeting rooms. Members will not use their membership, or the name of the Club, to obtain unfair advantage or admission to any venue or act in any manner that will bring disrepute to the Club or its Members.

(D) The Committee has the right to refuse Membership. The Club may terminate membership of any Member who fails to attend three successive fortnightly meetings between September and June of the Club without notification of reason for such non- attendance at the Club.

(E) A Member may bring a guest (who must be 18 years or above) to any meeting, except at the Annual General Meeting or such other meetings as the Committee decides. Such a guest will be the responsibility of their host Member and will be subjected to the provisions in the previous paragraph. Each guest will be expected to pay the appropriate fee for each visit and not attend more than three fortnightly meetings per season.


(A) The Committee has the power to

(1) Manage the Club and conduct all business and matters associated with and arising by reason of the existence of the Club and in particular achieving its Objectives

(2) Purchase, borrow, lease, hire, or otherwise acquire equipment and premises to comply with (1) of this paragraph

(3) Delete, vary, alter, amend or add to the Rules (subject to Members’ approval at an AGM or EGM)

(4) Elect any person as the Club President and also as an Honorary Member of the Club for any period they deemed suitable whose service to the Club is deemed to warrant such recognition

(5)  Refuse any person membership of the Club

(6) Suspend and or terminate membership but in so doing shall give to the Member written reasons therefore but not be required to make any refund or monetary payment to that Member

(7) Remove from the Committee any Committee Member who fails to attend three consecutive Committee Meetings

(8) Remove from office any Member elected who the Committee considers fails to fulfil the obligations of such role and at the time of such removal elect a replacement Member of the Committee

(B) The Committee shall comprise Members appointed at the AGM in each year. Each Committee Member shall hold office on and from the first Committee Meeting following that AGM until, but not including, the first Committee Meeting after the next following AGM at which time, unless re-appointed, they shall retire. Each Committee Member shall be eligible for re-election at each AGM. The Committee may fill any vacancies occurring during any year by co-opting any Member. No personal liability shall fall upon any Committee Member acting lawfully.

(C) No Member shall be eligible for election as Committee Member unless they are willing to serve and in which case the name of the Member has been proposed and seconded by two other Members in writing (including e-mail) to the Secretary at least seven days prior to the AGM. In the event of insufficient nominations for Committee Members not being received by the Secretary then nominations may be received at the Annual General Meeting, subject to the nominee being willing to serve.

The Club shall be governed by a Committee consisting of the following Officers: Chairman,  Club Secretary, Treasurer, Health & Safety Officer, Equipment Manager and Exhibition Manager. All Committee Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting by a majority vote.

(D) At each first meeting of the Committee following every AGM the Committee shall agree specific roles as required. The Committee may also invite Club Officials who are not Committee members to Committee meetings when required.

(E) The Committee as they deem appropriate may appoint sub-committees of Members.

(F)The quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be 50% of the Committee Members including at least one of the Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer with the calculation including any co-opted Member. If the Chairperson of the Club is not present at a meeting of the Committee then a Committee Member from those present shall be elected by those present to Chair that meeting at which that Member shall act in the stead of the Chairperson. Decisions of the Committee will be determined by majority vote with the Chairperson of each meeting having the casting vote if required.

5. AGM

(A)The AGM shall be held during and at a fortnightly evening meeting during the months of April or May each year as determined by the Committee and notice of the AGM and the motions to be discussed, including any changes to the Rules, shall be sent to each Member by e-mail at least 14 days prior to the date of the AGM.

(B) The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 25% of Members. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote but any Member suspended by the Committee shall not be entitled to attend or vote at the AGM, nor shall voting by proxy be allowed.

(C)The business of the AGM shall be: -
(1) Confirmation of the previous year’s AGM minutes

(2) Receive reports from the Chairperson, and the Secretary

(3) Receive a report from the Treasurer upon the audited accounts for the current season and year and for the approval of those accounts

(4)  To elect the Committee

(5)  To approve the appointment by the Committee of an Auditor for the coming year

(6)  To decide upon and approve the Charity to be sponsored for the coming year

(7)  Details of any proposed change in the Rules

(8)  Any other business of which at least 21 days previous written notification has been given to the Secretary

6. EGM

(A) The Committee :

  1. may at any time for any special purpose call an EGM

  2. shall be bound to call an EGM within 28 days of the Secretary receiving a written request signed by not less than 25% of Members stating explicitly the business to be conducted at such EGM

(B) The quorum for the EGM shall be 25% of Members. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote but any Member suspended by the Committee shall not be entitled to attend or vote at the EGM, nor shall voting by proxy be allowed.


(A) The Committee has power to make, delete, vary and amend the Rules but no new Rule shall be made, or the Rules deleted, altered, varied or amended in whole or in part except and unless approved at an AGM or an EGM.

(B) Notice of intention by the Committee or any Member to propose any new rule, variation, alteration or rescission of any existing Rule shall been given to the Secretary at least 28 days before the date of such meeting. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to promptly notify such intended proposition to all Members prior to the EGM by e-mail.


(A) Prior to the first meeting of each new season of the Club the Committee shall determine the amount of the annual subscriptions payable by Members and in addition the amount each Member shall pay by way of meeting attendance fee for the coming season. Each Member shall pay their annual subscription promptly and if not paid within two months of their Membership Application Form being received shall be disqualified from the Club. No subscription or attendance fee shall be payable by the President or Honorary Members.

(B) The Treasurer shall keep and maintain such records and bank accounts as the Committee shall determine and shall render an audited statement of account to the Members at the AGM. The Honorary Auditor shall be appointed by the Committee.

(C) All cheques in respect of payments authorised to be made by, or on behalf, of the Club shall be signed by two Members of, and appointed by, the Committee for such purpose. BACS and similar bank transfers may be made by the Treasurer only with the prior e-mail approval of a further Member who is authorised to sign cheques on behalf of the Club.


Competitions - The non-competitive character of the Club means it does not hold inter-club or intra-club competitions. It may however present annual awards to Members and meetings of the Club may include image critiquing at which constructive appraisal is encouraged

Complaints – The Club has a complaints procedure details of which are available from the Chairperson.

Copyright – The copyright in respect of any photograph remains with the Member and not the Club. Any material prepared for presentation during Club meetings must not :

  1. contravene copyright

  2. be circulated by any Member for use by non-Members

  3. be sourced from the Club’s Facebook Group or other web site of the Club

Data Protection – In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act the information supplied to the Club may be held and used by the Club for the purposes of business, statistical analysis, administration, events and activities but will never be sold or transferred to third parties for marketing purposes unless with approval of each individual Member.

Equal Opportunities Policy – Subject as provided in clause 3(A) above there is no discrimination on the basis of ability, gender, religion, sex, disability, vulnerability or racial origin save each Member must be 18 years or over. All persons are welcomed at The Club and to assist in running it within the broadest umbrella interest of photography.

Exhibitions - From time to time the Club may hold an exhibition of photographs and images and to which the general public may be invited. Separate rules applicable to each exhibition will be published and circulated to Members at the time.

Health & Safety – The Club has a Health & Safety Policy available for inspection by Members on request to the Chairperson.

Members’ Property – The Club shall not be responsible for damage or loss of any kind in respect of or to equipment, goods and monies of any Member


Upon the Club being disbanded or wound up the whole of the equipment and other assets of the Club shall be sold and the net proceeds, together with all other funds belonging to the Club shall be held in trust by the Club. After the expiration of one year from the date of disbandment or winding up and following payment of any monies and liabilities due, all Club funds then remaining shall be paid to the Charity being sponsored by the Club as at the AGM previous to the date upon which the Club wound up or disbanded, following which the bank account shall be closed.

Rules of Ulverscroft Camera Club

1. Members are required to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion and behave respectfully to others.

2. Members will sign the attendance record sheet of each meeting they attend and further will follow the directions and reasonable requests of the meeting’s organiser.

3. Images submitted by Members for projection at Club Meetings and/or on the Club website and Facebook pages are subject to acceptance and may be rejected and removed on reasonable grounds

4. Members may use and also borrow, on loan, equipment belonging to the Club but do so at the Members risk and may be liable for the cost of damage caused to it. The equipment will be returned promptly following written request.

5. Equipment, prints, slides etc. belonging to Members and brought or loaned to the Club by a Member are and remain throughout at the risk of the Member in all respects without liability on the part of the Club for loss or damage.

6. Members booking or ordering trips, equipment or anything else through the Club and for which payment is due, or has been made in connection with activities and events organised by the Club shall be liable to full payment. Cancellation by a Member will be without refund unless the Committee decide otherwise.

7. The decision of the Committee is final and binding save in the case of manifest error.

Date Number of Clause or Rule amended Attachment number detailing change*

  • Copy on to separate, successively numbered sheet details of change giving date of AGM or EGM ratifying same and full details of amendment (e.g Delete clause/ Rule ... and replace with etc – copying in full the variation/change). Then attach sheet to the Constitution and Rules

  • Changes as of May 2021

Para 3(E) Sentence re Open Meetings removed.

Para 4(C&D) Amended to reflect slimmed down version of committee and specifically removal of Vice Chairman and Membership Secretary.

Para 4(F) Amended to reflect removal of Vice Chairman.

Para 5(C2) Amended to reflect removal of Membership Secretary.