Welcome to Ulverscroft Camera Club
The club with a difference …
We are a largely non-competitive club with a focus on learning and mutual support. This encourages a very different attitude within members who are more than willing to share their skills and experiences, which in turn provides a more relaxed environment. This is often a key reason members join UCC rather than other camera clubs, and as we often tell new members … “we are probably one of the friendliest clubs around !!”
Contact : ulverscroftcameraclub@gmail.com
Our News
There’s always lots going on within the club so the communication and engagement with members is very important. Check out our news page to see some of the recent highlights from club nights and events.
Our Images
There’s no point taking photos for them just to sit hidden away on a memory card or hard disk, so at Ulverscroft Camera Club we encourage members to share their images whenever possible. This could be at a club night, on our members only facebook group, or at our annual exhibition We want members to take the photographs they want, and help is available across all styles and genres .
Our Club
The club aim is simply to create a safe meeting place (face to face & online), that will allow a full and inclusive programme of activity. Our members have a wide range of photographic abilities/experience and we offer practical sessions, guest speakers, and presentations on various topics by our members. In addition we have a monthly challenge to inspire members to learn new skills, and share their talents.
We pride ourselves on involving members on key decisions and provide transparency through our committee meetings. We also hold an annual review of our exhibition with all members having the opportunity to contribute.
Ulverscroft Camera Club are pleased to announce that they have been awarded a grant from the East Midlands Airport (EMA) community fund to allow them to upgrade ageing equipment.
The EMA fund awards grants to local clubs and charities, and in this case, the much needed funds have been used to pay for a new laptop.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.